Tuesday 8 February 2011

die fokken antwoord...

"There’s Mandela, District 9 and Die Antwoord. That’s the history of South Africa."
haha. afrikaaaaaans. another reason to go to cape town. as if cobus wasnt enough to look forward to, might bump into these lords. need to make some serious plans though. no job and living with my mum is not treating me well. as usual, i would like to get out please.

this advert tickled me. i want to meet this man! and drink beer with him!!

sneeky birthday getaway planed and booked. exiting stuff. not for long enough, but i'll see how i like it when i get there ay.
be seeing this boy soon. haha.

on another note. i want a tattoo like this man. mmmmmm... russian prison.

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